I just replaced a PCI graphics card with a Radon VE Dual display, When I re-boot I have to wait 15 minutes to 1 hour the get my Monitors to turn on with the re-boot, The yellow/green light on the monitors stays yellow. I have changed the BIOS to AGP prefence, I removed all the old cards drivers before I replaced the card so that it would boot in standard VGA (640x) I'm thinking that It might be the Power Supply it is only a 250 watt. I downloaded all the current drivers. Could the card be overheating? I do not get any POST beep errors. but If I let it sit turned of for 20-60 minutes. It boots up and the monitors turn on? I have tried unppluging the Power cord until the led on the MOBO goes off then turn it back on. I can put the PCI card back in and get the monitors right off the bat?? any thoughts. This one has me puzzled, I am thinking that it is a Heat issue because of the time factor involved.