Wasie try this (the step in bold and underlined in particular):
Now start Regedit.exe.
- Drill down to [HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelDesktop]
- Here you will find the following keys:
Here you change the value of these keys by double-clicking on them to the following:
<LI>"ScreenSaveTimeOut"="60" (This will enable the screensaver after 1 minute of no activity.)
<LI>"SCRNSAVE.EXE"=".scr" (Here you will replace the name of the screen saver logon.scr with the name of your company or your personal screensaver eg. Tomjerry.scr.)
"Wallpaper"="c:winntMy wallpaper.Bmp" (As it suggests, the name of wallpaper with the complete path.)
<LI>"TileWallpaper"="0" (Change this value to 1 in case you want to tile your wallpaper.) That's it. Restart your machine you're set.
Hope that helps some