Check BIOS: Boot Sequence is CDROM/C/A
Insert the Windows 2000/XP CD
Press any key to continue, when it asks so
Wait while the drivers are loaded (this may take several minutes)
Press Enter to setup Windows 2000/XP
Press F8 to accept the License Agreement
Select the drive you want to install (C: or D: or etc)
If it is a brand new hard disk, then select the Full Format (not the quick format), (or else it will instruct you to do so,
If it is a used hard disk, "Leave the current file system (no changes)" will be selected by default, but choose the full format
Follow the rest of the steps....
This is the basic procedure you gotta do during the setup. Just follow the instructions, and that's all. Backup your documents to another storage device, and just play with. That's how everyone learns something for the first time -- by experience