Well what a nice supprise. I wake up this morning and there is no school and maybe some snow on the way. Gues we will have to wait and see. Lot of freezing rain and ice at the moment.
So bad just less than 1/4 of a mile from my house is a 5 car pile up. Just heard about it from my mom who is now stuck in it. Guess she wont be going to work.
Anyone else out cause of winter weather. Its pretty funny. Its colder here in sc then washington dc right now where they got 4-5in of snow.
Just walked outside and checked the gage. Its only 17f out side. Pretty damn cold and came very fast too cause yetersday afternoon it was 45f and last night it was 38f. Damn cold front coming though i guess.
But I love it. I love snow. Man i hope we get some like last year. Out of school for two weeks and got like 8in at the lake near by (Like Murry And Lake Wartery). Pretty damn sweet. And 4in at home.
Last year we rode my friends four wheeler for 45miles, all the to downtown Columiba SC, taking back roads. Pretty damn funny since we only saw 4 cars. Two of witch were cops. So yea my friend got a $50 ticket for going to fast in bad connidtions. lol But damn it was fun, we even managed to hit 55 a few times, on ice mind u. Wide open so it was cool.

Yea we made it sreet legal or we could of been aristed and fined up to $500. We just had to add two more lights and turn singals. And we were wearing a helmet and orange. If you dont wear a helmet and get pulled over its an automatic $75 fine.
Think we might do it again if it snows. Hoping it does. But just as I was typing this they said its going to hit 44f tommorow so now I doubt it. Damn!!!
But if it does anyone got any good ideas?
We also play snow football and we use plastic paper dragged behind the four wheeler with two people hangin on. Man is that fun.
And last year my cousin jumped off a house into a frozzen pool. He ended up having to get 8 stiches on his leg cause he cut himself we he landed. But I think he might do it again. lol
And two years ago we draged raced old toyota pick up trucks. Man we slipped and slided all over the place. We burned out like a mother faqqer. Made crop circles in friends front yard. lol That was funny as hell untill the cops showed up though. But luckly we were on private property so they could not fine or arrist us for being stupid and almost getting killed. haha.. At least thats how they put it. :P
So what should we do this year. It has to be crazy but simi leagal this time.

Cause we dont want to get arristed or have to worry about it.
That it if it even snows this year.
well later...