Originally posted by steverae@Jun 26 2002, 03:00 AM
NTFS is great and has a lot of nice features... however, if you machine crashes and you have to boot from a boot disk.... you screwed unless you've got that NTFSDOS program.. not part of the standard boot disk.
For what i need my computer for, just stick with FAT32, unless your running critical systems or over a large network where file level security is important.
FAT32 for compatablility.
what more can i say.
it is glad that you said some good of NTFS as well. But you have been discourages switching to NTFS cos of a booting problem. Well for your info, booting from a floopy is not required at all for an average computer - not a computer that even can't detect the CDROM in BIOS.
The Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional CDs are bootable and you can boot from the CD.
The simplest thing to do when you can't boot in to Windows a usual, is to boot from the CD and repair. If repair doesn't work (mostly it doesn't) you need to reinstall Windows. That doesn't impact on your documents in Documents & Settings at all but it creates ugly looking ComputerName.All Users etc folders in the Documents. The only to get rid of this is to first got to command prompt via the CD and rename Documents and Settings to Backup or something and reinstall Windows. After you have installed Windows again you could move the documents of each user to their documents. I ain't hope no crashed at all for a computer running NTFS as the file system of the hard disk