Originally posted by rikytik@Feb 4 2004, 06:11 AM
Funny how the Victorian double standard has created such a big deal out of mamary glands.
Yes, I agree. It is funny that this standard is supposed to "protect" children, yet adults in the US have a considerably higher rate regarding "sexual hang-ups" whereas in other countries that allow nudity on TV in various forms and in allocated spaces it can be shown to have exactly the opposite effect. They have fewer sexual hang-ups statistically. I'm not saying we should show rape and stuff like that on TV, but for god sakes we need to get this country some slack and stop being so damn puritan.
I heard from a friend of mine that his kids did not even blink an eye regarding this halftime incident *until* daddy started rewinding the clip over and over again.

Then they started to boggle. It just goes to show that there IS no problem until we create it. So why be all uptight about a boob? It's not a sex organ for god sakes anywhere practically except here in the ole USA.