There's no way any Bush supporter can convince a Bush hater to change their mind so I won't waste my time.
Back to Kerry the fraud!
Here's the add Kerry doesn't want you to see...
This add was made by people who severed with Kerry. They did NOT serve on the same BOAT but served WITH him. These swift boats opperated as 'squadrons' much the same way the Air Force does but, at much closer quarters.
These men are DECORATED Viet Nam vets who have signed sworn affidavits and gone on record as saying Kerry is a FRAUD! Yet the big 3 media (ABC,NBC, and CBS) REFUSE to cover their story. Compare this to the coverage the big 3 gave the UNSUBSTANTIATED story of 'W' going "AWOL". The big 3 were ALL OVER *this* story even though there wasn't ONE witness, sworn statement, or document that ever even HINTED that 'W' didn't complete his service.
Now, can I *prove* the Dems don't want you to see this add?
This link will take you to a copy of a fax the DNC sent to television stations threatening possible LEGAL ACTION if they ran the add in question. These are the same Liberals who run screaming and crying when CONSUMERS threaten to stop buying products from rock/hollywood stars who insult their audiences with Bush bashing.
These Liberals scream bloody murder when *fans* tell them too shut up and then cry about their right to "free speech" yet when DECORATED VETS want to tell their story, the Liberals first reaction is to THREATEN them with law suites! I guess "freedom of speech" is only for the Liberal elite and NOT for DECORATED VETS!?
More to come...
P.S. I'm still waiting for you "bunkerheads" to provide links and documents supporting your hate speech.