cyberion might of been thinking of the ms action pack subscription thingy lol. its like $299 and you get this:
1 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
1 Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
1 Microsoft Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server
1 Microsoft SQL Server 2000
1 Microsoft Small Business Server 2000
1 Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000
1 Microsoft Mobile Information Server 2002
1 Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2001
10 Microsoft Windows XP Professional
10 Microsoft Office XP Professional
10 Microsoft FrontPage 2002
10 Microsoft Outlook 2002
10 Microsoft MapPoint 2002
10 Microsoft Visio 2002 SR1 Professional
10 Microsoft Project 2002 Professional
10 Microsoft Publisher 2002
and a bunch more crap. here is a link:
also i know a lot of people where getting this for $99 not sure if that still works. i think this is the code they where useing: MHQ062