My experience, both personal and in my line of work, telles me the opposite...
I have seen ton's of Maxtors/Quanums/IBMs gone bad, and only ONCE for the last 15
years I have seen a WD *trying* to go bad, but my SMART sensor told
me before it was to late, so I was able to save all my data on it ( 120GB )
The 60GB/5400 drives mentioned in the first post, is a very good drive. I have 2 of them,
and they have been running for allmost 1,5 years now, with hardly
any break's
Even if they are "only" 5400, the data density on the plates
makes it faster than expected ( access time ), and in test's
they outperformed many 7200 drives when they where first released.
And a nice added feature, is very little noice