New computer built and tested..this is bad!
It runs fine, but every 30 sec's (approx) it will
lock-up/pause/freeze for a second.
Everything locks up....the its fine.
In task manager, the cpu spikes upwards of 30 to 70 % then goes back to normal.
It never over heats.
Never shuts down.
Never acts weird....!
Just freezes.
Can anyone save my puter from certain death??
Here ya go's....
AMD 2400+ @ 2100 Mhz. (water cooled)
FSB @ 140
MSI kt3-Ultra2 w/bluetooth
512 meg pc2700 ram
Asus 8200 DLX GF3 (water cooled)
O.S. = Xp Pro (oem)
EXOS water cooling @ 27C/81F
Water kewled on cpu, video card and north bridge.
Newest via's
Dets.. 44.03
DSL 1500/384
Veiwsonic 19" monitor
Epson 777
HP laser printer 4M
M_S force feedback joystick 2
Altec Lansing speakers with sub