If I remember right, I had this problem as well at one point. I think that there is a KB on it @ norton's site....
There is this if you've installed an update....
Norton Internet Security 2003 does not load on reboot after applying the 6.04 patch via LiveUpdate
_http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nip.nsf/docid/2003041114455436?OpenDocument&src=hot&prod=Norton% 20Internet%20Security&ver=2003%20Professional%20Ed ition&stg=2&base=http://www.symantec.com/techsupp/nis/&next=nis_2003_pro_search_other.html&sone=nis_2003 _pro_tasks.html&tpre=
Or use the search phrase for the NIS 2003, choose other/not listed problem and use this phrase...
NIS does not load at startup
That should give you some options to try.
Hope it helps.