Originally posted by Darkwolven@Dec 10 2002, 03:21 PM
I hope he can afford to fight them because atleast in the US, a court would rule that Microsoft is not eligible to take it away from him. He is certainly not cybersquatting. WindowsXP.nu has been around for quite sometime.
Microsofts case was that they own the trademarks and logos, which he used on his site, and in his sites name, without their permission. It isnt a matter of cybersquatting.
Secondly, weather its legal or not is one matter, the other is that bink is defensless against a large orgainisation like Microsoft. A court battle against a company like Microsoft can go on for months even years for as long as they are prepared to spend money. I doubt a hobbyist running a site will be prepared to spend endless ammounts of money on his defence, and live in stress that he might lose and have to pay ALL of the legal fees, and possibly incurr other fines. Microsoft can ruin him financially without winning the court case. If Microsoft wants him to, he will surrender, simply because he has no choice. Its a sad fact, but thats how corrupt the legal system is when it comes to those matters. In the Netherlands. In the USA. Here in the UK. Everywhere.