Originally posted by Jupiter2k@Sep 17 2002, 01:00 PM
are you aware there is a crack for wma file format hanging around ..?
You just have to to a search !
Why bother .. just use Mp3 compression !

although, it is "illegal" to talk about cracks in BetaONE, had to use the word 'crack' hey

well, I tried unf**kwma.exe but it supports only version 7 and earlier. As I have encoded them in 7.1 it cant decrypt

I combed the whole net as i could, but that was the only decrypter i could find. most links for others were dead (may be M$ is in control of them).
i moved from MP3 to WMA. and I know mp3PRO is out as well. but WMA is the best audio format for compression and quality - no need to argue, my friend
i told earlier, that i forgot to uncheck the "Use Digital Rights Management" (in WMP7.1) that day an year ago. Now the very first thing i do after installing Windows XP, is in MPXP, unchecking the "Protect Content" thing.

Thanks for your reply