BetaONE will rise again!

Old 24th Sep 02, 07:36 PM
FreeUS FreeUS is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 634
Changes in 1.02:

- Added SIG551 assault rifle to primary weapon list
- Added Silver Talon pistol to the pistol weapon list
- Fire grenades got minor damage increase for fire on ground
- M-60 third-person reload animation now properly timed
- Increased the rate of fire on the M60
- Slight accuracy adjustment on pistols
- All pistols are now single fire but can be fired much faster.
- Should now say "detonated by X's m203" when killed by the m203
- g_availableWeapons cvar no longer modifiable, now controlled through "disable_*" cvars.
- Fixed bug that would cause people to join the game with no weapons
- if crouched when walking over an item it will make no noise when it is picked up
- Crouching in mid air no longer gives accuracy bonus. This means that shooting when jumping will be much more inaccurate as initially intended
- Slight increase to the MP5's accuracy
- M3A1's accuracy has been increased
- With friendly fire off you can no longer kill a teammate with a grenade by changing teams immediately after throwing it.

- Added new Kamchatka map mp_kam4
- Added new Colombia map mp_col2
- Added new hospital map mp_hos2
- Added new Prague map mp_pra2
- Raven map updated to fix the roof bug and the window bug on roof
- RMG infiltration improved to generate better maps more consistently

- Console command 'hash' removed due to its use in cheating
- Added client command "ignore". This allows a client to ignore all chat messages from another client.
- Added server command "mute". This allows a server admin to turn off chat messages for a given client.
- g_forceFollow can now be set to force first person spectating
- Added PunkBuster anti-cheat software
- Removed cvars that were used as exploits in the game
- cl_avidemo now generates TGA files instead of jpeg files.

- Use button will now toggle between first and third person spectating when following someone
- Round timer now starts after the round start delay making each round the total of both numbers
- No longer spawn as a ghost during warm-up if the round has already started
- Can no longer shoot teammates during warm-up even if friendly fire is set to 1
- Can now pick up bomb, case, etc immediately after its dropped when someone dies
- Timelimit will no longer interrupt a round in progress so the last round will always be finished
- Added g_teamkillNoExcuseTime and g_teamkillNoExcuseMultiplier to control the amount of time in the beginning of the round where there is no excuse for team killing. The multiplier controls the amount of tk% given for damage done during the no excuse time.
- Team kill damage is now doubled if you kill a teammate carrying the flag, briefcase or bomb
- Should no longer get "server is for low pings only" message when a server has sv_maxping set and is full
- When the counter hits zero on warm-up it should restart quickly rather than the laggy restart it did in the past
- Autojoin should always join the team in need now
- New hud representation of team scores including total and alive player counts
- Loading screen informs you if friendly fire is enabled now
- About box now says whether or not friendly fire is on
- MOTD from master server should now show up in the connect screen

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