Originally posted by DoG@Jun 17 2003, 03:27 PM
So you are saying that most DVD R's are +R?
Nope, the other way around

I was just correcting about the Apple one, and those are based on the Pioneer A04 ( 2x ) and the newer A05 ( 4x ).
In the market, I would say that most of the ones who *has* been sold, are
In a writeup, those seems to be the "most" compatible ones, regarding stanalone equipment, like DVD players.
Something like 95% compatibillity versus 80% for the
Regarding speed, the -R was introduced as a 1x in the spec's, then Pioneer offerd 2x on certain medias they verified as compatible.
The +R came as a 2,4x giving them a slightly advance in speed, but now both formats are offerd as 4x.
If you want to make _sure_ your home-movies can be played in all standalones, you might opt for a combo, that supports both + and -.
Right now, the prize of medias seems to be getting close, but the - has so far, been a bit cheaper than the +
Regarding this NEC, its a good prize, for a good burner

It did very well in a recent test, made by the norwegian magazine PWWorld (
www.pcworld.no )
And with support of both + and - it should be a safe choice.