I'm working on an older box with a PC Chips motherboard, SIS 630 chipset, and SIS 7001 USB hub. The USB hubs worked fine under Win ME, but when I formatted it and installed 2K, they won't work? I'm not sure why, there isn't a driver update so I can't go that route, Windows detects and installs the hubs fine, but when I attach any device to them they don't get powered up and installed by the OS. I updated the BIOS to the newest version, and that didn't fix it either... any ideas short of buying a PCI USB card?
I'm hoping I can get the onboard hubs to work, b/c the person I'm working for isn't in a position to be able to buy a usb card, even though they are pretty cheap.... I'd install 9x, but we all know how bad it is stability wise, and the box isn't fast enough to run XP.