Why not? Here are some of the fixes in the IE 6 SP thanks to activewin
[quote]Find (on This Page) Command Does Not Work with the ISO 8859 Character Set The Find (on This Page) command on the Find menu in Internet Explorer does not work correctly when you try to search for a word that contains accentuated characters (such as "u" with an umlaut).
Problems with the WebBrowser Control in Internet Explorer 6 During Navigation A program that uses the WebBrowser control in Internet Explorer 6 may stop working when the user is browsing through Web pages or querying a database.
FtpPutFile Returns Success Although the Operation Fails in Internet Explorer The Wininet.dll FtpPutFile API returns TRUE even when the operation fails. The operation may fail because of different reasons. For example, if the server disk is full, the server responds with: 426 Connection closed, transfer aborted This symptom...
Access Violation Error Message When You Navigate Through HTA or XML Documents When you navigate through an XML-databinding program (.hta or .xml documents), you may receive an access violation error message in Internet Explorer.
[quote] YOu can read more about them here:
_http://support.microsoft.com/common/canned.aspx?R=d&H=List%20of%20Fixes%20in%20Microso ft%20Internet%20Explorer%206%20SP1&LL=support&Sz=k bIE600sp1fix&Fr=&DU=&SD=GN&LN=EN-US&CND=1&VR=&CAT=&VRL=&SG=&MaxResults=150