Here is the story, I was talking with a guy from there, and he tell me that he can't buy a beer on sundays in the place where he lives

... He is from Alabama. Its that true?. Its that possible?. In the most free country on earth?.
That surprice me... A lot
Its like the movie called Escape from LA. I recommend that movie.
...this time it's L.A., which through the agency of earthquakes has become an island of the damned. This penal colony is where the film's future rulers, something very like the Moral Majority, send those deemed guilty of "moral crimes."
That "prision" is the only place in USA where you can live free...
here is the important part of the movie when the cop say:
You're gonna have to learn to respect the law.
The United States is a no smoking nation.
No smoking, no drinking
do drugs, no women unless you're married,
no guns, no foul language.

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Its a movie... Or not?

BTW, I dont like beers. To me have a bad taste. Aggghhh. I dont likes... But many people likes, and they are free to drink it if they wants... It not a problem for me
