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Old 23rd Jun 02, 10:42 PM
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I'm pricing and comparing components for my new computer and I've read various reviews to get some idea of what to get. However, I value opinions and the expertise of members of BetaONE even more.

I'll probably pick a mid-range setup due to the fact that alot of the components are $$$$$$.

So here are the questions:

Which Motherboard?

Soyo SY-P4S Dragon Ultra
Soyo SY-KT333 Dragon Ultra Platinum
Asus P4T533
Asus P4B533
Asus A7V333
Different Suggestion

Which Case?

Lian-Li PC6XXX
CoolerMaster ATC-XXX (All are quite expensive)
Antec (comes with PSU)
AMS gTower
Different Suggestion

Which PSU?

Different Suggestion

I greatly appreciate any inputs/gripes. And yes, this may be lazy of me to ask you to do some of my research for me but I was hoping that some of you would have some of the above mentioned components and be willing to put in your .02 about them...

Thanks for your time.
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Old 24th Jun 02, 12:06 AM
unicorn unicorn is offline
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Hello AsianElvis

I put a new box together about half a year ago. I did a lot of research beck then and finally decided to go for:
ASUS mobo A7V something,
Lian-Li PC 6x and
Enermax PCU 450 W

It wasn't easy to decide what mobo to use as the different companies come up with new models so often, the latest always the best and also with the most buggy bios... Then I also wanted to get most bucks for the money of course.

Now it ended up with some expensive stuff cause I finally made my mind up and found out that this was most bucks for the money - at a long term base that is.

Btw, the mobo came with inbuilt RAID-support. More money again but I wanted the RAID as I know I'll have at least three or four hard drives and two cd-rom-units in the box. All this need cooling and Lian-Li moves air over the harddrives (vertically mounted). The harddrives are all IBMs and they are running 24/7/365 without problems here.

Finally it's all a matter about taste, as usual. Hope this helps somewhat as a description of one possible approach.
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Old 24th Jun 02, 05:55 AM
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Thanks for the input, .unicorn.

I am probably going to do the same thing you did as far as going for most bang for the buck. It's just going to take some more time to find out which one has the most bang.

Heck, I still haven't decided which CPU type to go with (for expandability purposes) and that's why I am looking at so many motherboards.

Once again, thanks for the input and hopefully, I'll get some more from others. I still have a couple months left before I actually purchase the parts but I wanted to start fairly early on which ones to get since it takes so long to research.
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Old 24th Jun 02, 06:00 AM
skloo77 skloo77 is offline
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personally i am in love with lian-li's casing products...
it is way above others. of cos they do cost more.

as for mb and ps, i do not have good opinions as i am also looking at them too...
hoping to upgrade once i have the cash. it is expensive here.
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