In a press release issued by Blue 52, the developers claimed to be behind the revolutionary "Stolen" PS2 title, they do not confirm being behind the game but strangely enough, also react strongly to rumours that it is just a tech demonstration.
In a carefully, if oddly, worder press release, the company refuse to confirm rather than deny, the existence of the title. They do however, claim that they are currently working on three games which will ...raise the technical bar and consumer expectation of PS2 games ? I can confirm sub-twixel super-sampling...
The full press release, which if carefully read does reveal quite a bit, is as follows:
This week saw a number of news stories appear on all the major games sites, surrounding blue52 and its alleged development of a technically groundbreaking title known as Stolen for SCEE.
Despite these news rumours, we cannot confirm that we are developing a title for Sony, nor can we confirm release dates, genre or even if it?s current or future platform; it is purely speculation. commented Jason Perkins, Managing Director at blue52. He added I can confirm that we are developing three high-profile console projects, to be published next year by major games publishers.
However, blue52 can confirm that its in-house technology, including its proprietary engine, is being used to develop a technically cutting edge game for release in 2004. Allan Murphy, blue52's technical Director commented when discussing technology I'm cautious not to go all "infinite polygon engine", but can say that on release of future titles, we hope to raise the technical bar and consumer expectation of PS2 games ? I can confirm sub-twixel super-sampling may be involved. This is all made possible by blue52?s investment and commitment to its own in-house technology group, which now employs a dedicated team of 10 individuals focused on delivering the best tools and technology for the game teams to build great games.
Many of the news items appeared to suggest that blue52 had developed a technology demo and bolted a game around it. Oh no! exclaimed Craig Leigh, Creative Director We have one of the strongest design departments in the business and would only look to technology to enhance the gameplay experience. Blue52 only hire the best people in the business, which is evident in the quality of the titles in development. As a developer we continue to impress and work with all the major game publishers.
Blue52 expect to be able to release more detailed information on all of the titles in development by the end of this year