[quote:4df13b5991][i:4df13b5991]Originally posted by Grzyb [/i:4df13b5991]
What do you think is a minimum........
Currently it's a 300w Supply............... [/quote:4df13b5991]
That IS the minimum!
BUT, if you run other serious kit like Geforce 3/4 sound, overclock your system etc. then go for a 430W, that should sort out any lack of power you have!
Also may be where your H/D is positioned. Is it above the IBM which runs hotter? Have you sufficient fans blowing air in and an exhaust to blow air out? Is your case airy (good for circulation of air)?
But try using NTFS instead of FAT32 next time. If you already have done as FAT, then you can use the convert option in Win2K/XP.