BetaONE will rise again!

Old 16th Jun 03, 12:15 AM
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Have we forgotten about it? Do we not care about 2 yrs? Or maybe we haven't HAD it yet.

Anyways, seems to me either yesterday or today....or right around this general time frame.......2 years ago B1 was first founded and started up by 'Orig'. I should know.........I was one of the first ppl to be here, and I was a Mod at the time.

Anyways....2 yrs has passed and I can no longer say for sure if its the same place it was when I was here. Maybe its just me, but it seems like there's not much news or updates goin on around here these news anyways. Feel free to jump in and correct me, but it just seems like B1 has lost its 'touch' or maybe its passion for what it does(or did). I dunno wut it is now, but something seems missing from this place. Not as exciting to come here as it used to be.

Oh well. Just my humble opinion.......happy 2 yr anniv B1!. Maybe in the next year we can regroup and change B1 back into an exciting place 2 be, where all the news&updates r happenin b4 anyone else gets em.


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Old 16th Jun 03, 12:19 AM
DaMaster DaMaster is offline
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Aint it 2 yrs next month?????
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Old 16th Jun 03, 12:47 AM
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Originally posted by TheCrossMovement@Jun 16 2003, 06:15 AM
Have we forgotten about it? Do we not care about 2 yrs? Or maybe we haven't HAD it yet.

Anyways, seems to me either yesterday or today....or right around this general time frame.......2 years ago B1 was first founded and started up by 'Orig'. I should know.........I was one of the first ppl to be here, and I was a Mod at the time.

Anyways....2 yrs has passed and I can no longer say for sure if its the same place it was when I was here. Maybe its just me, but it seems like there's not much news or updates goin on around here these news anyways. Feel free to jump in and correct me, but it just seems like B1 has lost its 'touch' or maybe its passion for what it does(or did). I dunno wut it is now, but something seems missing from this place. Not as exciting to come here as it used to be.

Oh well. Just my humble opinion.......happy 2 yr anniv B1!. Maybe in the next year we can regroup and change B1 back into an exciting place 2 be, where all the news&updates r happenin b4 anyone else gets em.


Yes. It is next month.
But leaving your post for comments by others.
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Old 16th Jun 03, 12:56 AM
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Hehe, what is it with our anniversary date? So many people (including myself) think/thought it was in june. Weird... The bad thing is I can't be here for the party this year, I'll be on a holyday to france by then.
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Old 16th Jun 03, 01:01 AM
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That's a good place for a vacation, Cactus, if there are no stikes!

We'll be getting ready for a cruise in the Arctic.

I've enjoyed BetaONE these past 2 years. Who's serving the beer? or is it champaigne this year?
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Old 16th Jun 03, 01:10 AM
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Brrrrr, /me is lloking for some sun. The artic seems cold.

As fr the strikes, we are going to drive there, is only about a 700 miles from where we live, so let them srike all they want, I believe it's their constitutional right

And I don'tknow who handles the beers around here, I thought it was one of Pittpulls tasks but I'm not sure....
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Old 16th Jun 03, 01:49 AM
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Originally posted by TheCrossMovement@Jun 15 2003, 05:15 PM
Have we forgotten about it? Do we not care about 2 yrs? Or maybe we haven't HAD it yet.

Anyways, seems to me either yesterday or today....or right around this general time frame.......2 years ago B1 was first founded and started up by 'Orig'. I should know.........I was one of the first ppl to be here, and I was a Mod at the time.

Anyways....2 yrs has passed and I can no longer say for sure if its the same place it was when I was here. Maybe its just me, but it seems like there's not much news or updates goin on around here these news anyways. Feel free to jump in and correct me, but it just seems like B1 has lost its 'touch' or maybe its passion for what it does(or did). I dunno wut it is now, but something seems missing from this place. Not as exciting to come here as it used to be.

Oh well. Just my humble opinion.......happy 2 yr anniv B1!. Maybe in the next year we can regroup and change B1 back into an exciting place 2 be, where all the news&updates r happenin b4 anyone else gets em.


Mr. Cross,

BetaONE never lost its touch with alpha/beta or any development release. BetaONE, had since "signed" on the dotted line to go wares free. This manuveur has brought the community even closer together, as many of us now know each other by name, and plan to actually visit phsically on occasion.

BetaONE is now MORE then ever a online family. Hopefully, with enough trust and love, we can take the online OUT, and setup planned meetings... Kind of what "" does.

I too miss "Orig/PheniX." However, the move (in my opinion) was very successful, I'm sure that if he choose to come back to here, he would be treated like family in an instant.
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Old 16th Jun 03, 02:10 AM
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Erm , its definately JULY , how can you forget , its right below your avatar when you joined.
LOL , big party coming up.
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Old 16th Jun 03, 02:34 AM
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Have we forgotten about it? Do we not care about 2 yrs? Or maybe we haven't HAD it yet
It has not happened yet

Anyways....2 yrs has passed and I can no longer say for sure if its the same place it was when I was here
Yes its definately different. But somewhat the same...

A early tribute:

-adam with numbers now sephiroth

and of course me.. aka normandanna aka trminatr.

Some names have changed. Some people have left. So yes, some things have changed but our online family has survived

dunno wut it is now, but something seems missing from this place. Not as exciting to come here as it used to be
Well yes something has changed. There is no real os to review and play with atm. Longhorn is still VERY alpha imo. We had XP to be anxious for - remember?

Maybe in the next year we can regroup and change B1 back into an exciting place 2 be, where all the news&updates r happenin b4 anyone else gets em.
WE still get them! We had the beta of messenger the day it was "un-hot-linked" to microsoft, and we still get the important news.

So there you are. Dont worry tcm its still a great place to be. No flaming (except when spammers piss me off <_< ) and a very comfortable place to learn new stuff!

So happy birthday early to betaone and its dedicated mods and admins

And happy birthday to those that are no longer mods/admins as well
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Old 16th Jun 03, 02:41 AM
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DS and joined around July 8th, so the anniversary should be pretty close to that - on this present board at least.
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