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Old 13th Apr 03, 06:14 PM
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If this is a feature of windows its a very bad 1 =(

well i have come to the conclusion that some of this gawd awgully supose to help you features of windows are really thee to do the opsite of help you.


Simple here is just 1 of the things they need to re-vamp.
You know when you get a b.s.o.d or are forced to re-start your computer for what-ever reason and scan-disk comes up and scans your drives and sometimes it changes perfectly good files to fragments.

Maybe its me but why does it do that.
Seeing that a i still havent found no way of turing them back into usable files folders or programs. {i mean i have had a few times where it turned a group of files to fragment's}
Yes the files are still good if you got time to play a jigsaw puzzle game and find the piece's and all

1.Has anyone found out why it turns good files to fragments
2.Is it worth it and have you found a way to re-verse it so you can still use the files. i mean when it does many files at one time it's a big puzzle to figure out which is which.
3.Have you seen other programs that windows can ethier do without or have dis-abled at start-up or when you 1st instal the OS.
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Old 13th Apr 03, 07:01 PM
HotRod HotRod is offline
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Sounds like your running FAT32> That is the exact reason I went to NTFS. I lost 80 gigs of stuff on a reboot. No one could tell me how to recover the files so I just reloaded and started over. Have not had that problem since the switch to NTFS.
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Old 13th Apr 03, 07:31 PM
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Originally posted by HotRod@Apr 13 2003, 12:01 PM
Sounds like your running FAT32> That is the exact reason I went to NTFS. I lost 80 gigs of stuff on a reboot. No one could tell me how to recover the files so I just reloaded and started over. Have not had that problem since the switch to NTFS.
WoW :eeek:

man that must have hurt

So it turned it to frag files on you to huh

i hated it cause the files were there but getting the 20 iso's i had over 1,000 files to match each other took me 77 days and i only got 1 cd correct
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Old 13th Apr 03, 08:29 PM
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Doesnt scandisk have an undo option? been a while since i used it so i may be wrong

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Old 13th Apr 03, 11:33 PM
unicorn unicorn is offline
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Firts thing should be to turn it off... Second thing is to consider to drop Win9x. Third thing is... well - what is it? I use to mirror my important dirs. Nice, but you have to have several harddrives with a lot of free space to do it.
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Old 14th Apr 03, 04:07 AM
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1.Has anyone found out why it turns good files to fragments
because its Microsoft.

2.Is it worth it and have you found a way to re-verse it so you can still use the files. i mean when it does many files at one time it's a big puzzle to figure out which is which.
Umm no.... its like the memory dump, once it happens it happens....kinda like when you tell the system NOT to restart on a fatal error

3.Have you seen other programs that windows can ethier do without or have dis-abled at start-up or when you 1st instal the OS.
As mentioned earlier, get an NTFS capable OS. FAT sucks.
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Old 14th Apr 03, 06:51 AM
dady dady is offline
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sorry to hear u r having problems i changed to w2k and still use it and have been spared such problems i assume winxp would be the same but i still have never used it w2k in 3 years or so has never really crashed on me and i almost never have to reboot
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Old 14th Apr 03, 07:20 PM
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I can't believe you aren't using NTFS. You are using XP aren't you? The whole point of NTFS is that it continuously journals as you go so you don't need scandisk.

As for why...the system was probably working with the file/moving it/reading it/ or what ever when the system went down. I am perplexed how scandisk alone could kill 80 GIGS though. Are you sure it was not associated with additional problems Hotrod? Such as bad clusters etc...?
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Old 14th Apr 03, 07:38 PM
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My first experiance with XP and FAT32 were back in the early beta days. I had a couple reboots that produced recovered files. Was working with files on that drive trying to find what iso's where incomplete now and BSOD. When it came back scandisk ran and whole drive was recovered files. Couldn't do anything with files that were there so disconnected drive, looked around for answers. Got basicly same reply as here so reformatted NTFS and drive hasn't had a problem since. Was hard for me to believe I could loose that much data with 1 reboot, but it happen. Ever since then I always run NTFS.
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