Dear Tech Support,
I purchased an ASUS A7M266 motherboard from you on the date of September 24th, 2001. I am currently experiencing difficulties with the motherboard, I believe that a circuit in the PCI slots are bad. I recently tried to hook it up to my network but the network functions abnormally, and it is not the network I have done everything, I have tried 4 new NIC's I have tried new network cable I have tried hooking it up to other networks as well and they all have the same problem. The problem is the NIC won't work until the computer has been on for about an hour or two, and even then it will quit working after a couple of hours, it's like it can't push the data all the way through, or the data gets corrupt, and I can see the other computers on the network.
Here's My Configuration:
AMD Athlon 1.4Ghz w/266 Bus (CPU Runs at around 55C while Idle)
Running BIOS v1005
512mb PC2100 DDR RAM
GeForce 2 GTS 32mb DDR
2x18.2gb Ultra-SCSI 160 w/Adaptec 29170-N controller card(or seomthing)
120gb 7200rpm Western Digital Hard Drive
Sony 16x DVD-ROM
Could Heat be an issue? or Are there other possibilites/issues?