I used to have IBM drives. Now after all the problems with the Deskstar drives I have bought Seagate drives instead. Does it make me feel better? Nah. A couple of years ago the Deskstar series was really good (best IDE drive to be find). Then something happened and some batches of drives were inclined to fail in different ways. So - there they lost some of their solid reputation. Going even further back in time the same story has been heard about many harddrives.
It is also hard to read reviews, they are seldom focusing on realibility. Also hard to test this of course. I say go for low noise=low speed=low price and a three year warranty if possible.
Then say a prayer.
@andru: What do you mean "freeze"? Please try to describe a little more precise. Another thing, have you checked with the mobo homesite and made sure this isn't a known problem with your mobo/bios version?