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Old 10th Mar 03, 08:58 AM
Jedis Jedis is offline
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I'm trying to find out if my new Hp LaserJet 6L is compatible with the JetDirect hardware? HP's website is less than helpful.

From my understanding, there's two different versions. An external box, that you plug the printer into, and then plug the box into your hub? And then an internal card that looks like a NIC, that goes into the printer itself, which then plugs into the hub. This would let anyone on my network print to the printer, without a computer needing to be on (well, except for the one sending the request).

Anyone familiar with JetDirect that can help? Thinking about buying one on ebay, but I have no idea which model to get, and what would serve my purposes for a small home network.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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Old 10th Mar 03, 01:57 PM
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Hiya Jedis,

An external box, that you plug the printer into, and then plug the box into your hub?
Yep, and IMHO this is a more flexible solution. Most print servers have an internal web server for management so the new jet direct software connects to it.

but I have no idea which model to get, and what would serve my purposes for a small home network.
You can probably get the the lowest end (cheapest) model to server your needs as I don't think you would need the higher end features on a small network. I have some old 300x external ones and they still work like a charm and are a snap to configure with HP WebJet Admin.

Hope this helps some


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Old 14th Mar 03, 06:09 PM
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we use external jetdirect boxes all the time at work.

cos weve got an IP network and a WAN to other locations, the only way to allow the priner to be available to everyone on the network is to give it an IP address


becuase the printer doesnt have the capability to retain an IP address this is doen through the JetDirect boxes

The one's were using are JetDirect 170X

they're sooooo easy to configure. Weve got our running through UNIX and Windows

if you get one give me a shout and ill help you sort it out if you come across problems

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