Originally posted by steverae@Feb 27 2003, 02:51 PM
**Action required to receive Office Beta 2 kit**
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Got my email also. Awaiting receipt of disk set...
They are *indeed* rolling...my beta 2 kit (fifteen CDs!) showed up via Airborne Express today. MIA are Visio and Project 2003 (however, Publisher, OneNote/XDocs and InfoPath/Scribbler 2003 are present/accounted for). There are additional bennies in the package (I won't say what; find out for yourself), but they will definitely raise your eyebrows.....
Outlook has changed *yet again* over B1...but it's a change for the better.
Has anyone taken advantage of the public SharePoint portal for BetaONE yet? If not, I would like permission to set up a SharePoint portal there for us.