Here it is. The unofficial fix list for Windows XP SP2. I want to make sure that you understand that SP2 isn't even close to beta yet, so this by no means is the final list and new fixes are added almost daily. Check back often for updates to this. Also note that Microsoft no longer puts a Q in front of it's Knowledge Base (K

articles so it's now displayed as just a 6 digit number.
309344 - File Appears to Be Deleted Although You Do Not Have Permissions on the OS/2 Warp4-Based Server
314816 - PostScript Printer Does Not Show All the Supported Paper Sizes on French Windows 2000 Clients
318684 -
319233 - Keypad "=" Key May Not Work on NEC PC98 USB Keyboard
319325 - The "IPCONFIG /SETCLASSID" Command Does Not Send the Class ID in the Options Field of the DHCP Information Packet
321041 -
321300 -
322011 - Preview is Unavailable in Fax Console with Windows XP SP1
322625 -
323183 - Full Bluetooth support for Windows XP
.... (a lot more)