Well is seems the Lindows team has been hard at work and finally decided to entertain us all with another release of thier OS (can we call it that?)
Those on the Lindows mailing list recieved emails stating:
"Here it comes! This coming Monday, the much-anticipated General Release of LindowsOS version 3.0 will start shipping! As someone who has been following our progress, before we start telling the entire world about this exciting event, we wanted to give you the first opportunity to get your hands on LindowsOS 3.0, and at a special price.
You'll want to hurry, however, as the special pre-order pricing is only good till Friday at midnight."
Well, to be honest, at any price this software would be overpriced. But, if you insist on hours of frustration, Lindows 3.0 has leaked out onto the dark realms of the NET and can be found with little effort.
Source: WinBeta.org