ALTHOUGH EVERYONE EXPECTS the NV30 to be introduced at the first day of Comdex we can confirm that Nvidia will introduce one more interesting gadget. We can not say whether NV30 will be presented at the same time, but the NV28M, its new mobile chip, will be introduced at Monday 18th November at Comdex Fall 2002. As you may know, NV28 is nothing more than a Geforce 4 with AGP 8X, while NV28M will be an AGP 8X version of Geforce 4 chip made to fit in a notebook. It was necessary for Nvidia to come up with something new in this mobile segment since it still works with DirectX 7 hardware -- Geforce 4 Go ? to support games, but not as speedy as the Radeon mobility 9000 in most cases.
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