h34r:" class="inlineimg" />
Well guys, we've seen real pics of longhorn. This is great, right?
Nope! Well, if you like looking at pictures, yes. But Longhorn won't be available for at least two to three months, and let me explain why.
1.) Microsoft is smart. They have ways of figuring out who leaked the alpha. If it gets distibuted one of our friends will get fired, and even arrested under US Law.
2.) Longhorn looks a lot like XP for the time being execpt for a few things, that are, well, buggy. I know everyone wants to get there hands on it, but its not good enough right now to release.
I know that we all want it, but now isn't the time. So, drop into #betas, or even #longhorn on irc.elite-irc.net, but don't go around asking for it. I can only estimate from what I have heard that it will be 2+ months before there is any opertunity for "leakage".
If you see a post anywhere about a possible Longhorn leak, it is definatly fake. You can download it, but have fun with a p0rn video or or a currupted nothing file.
Lastly, I would personally like to thank everyone at #betas for not letting hell break loose in these past few days. Keeping order is good (especially for us ops :-P).
This information is subject to change at any moment (particularly if it leaks like much sooner then 2 months :-P)