BetaONE will rise again!

Old 26th Oct 02, 01:18 AM
Posts: n/a
The goal of the game is to swap two nearby balls to make the straight line of 3 or more balls. This lines will disappear and existing balls with the new ones will fall down from the top. For each eliminated ball you will recieve a score that depends on current 'Intensity' level. The 'Intensity' is increased by each elimination but it is falling every second. The 'Intensity' changes depend of current game level, but the faster you perform eliminations the higher current 'Intensity' level will be. While eliminating balls the 'Game Progress' increases, when it reachs maximal value you will be switched to the next game level. Don't wait for a long time ! Lamps at the right bottom corner of the screen will be lighten one by one. If the last red lamp is lighten you will hear a 'dong' sound, this means that if you will wait a little more the game will be over.
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