R U Saying Why I Hacking Your Site??
SISOFTWARE, producer of benchmarking and diagnostics program Sandra for Windows, has had its website hacked by someone calling himself Security^Ghost.
The page,
here, has been hacked to feature a small gif of the mask from corny teen slasher flick Scream and is full of vaguely cryptic, poorly written text - including a tag that says "Islamic Warrior" at the top.
Two reasons are listed for the
hack, which we can only interpret as a poorly conceived attempt at humour. "Security^Ghost" asks, "?? R U Saying Why I Hacking Your Site??" and replies himself with "1. Because I love U So Much : D" and "2. Just Fun : )" before saying "now u will tell police, please speed i am scared

There's a bunch of islamic text shortly after which, I am afraid to say, I haven't a clue about. Maybe some readers can translate for us.
"Greetz" are also offered out at the bottom of the hacked site, a hallmark of spoddy hackers with too much time on their hands. Cool hacker guys such as " Weebi," "Sho0tr," "Mr.Max" and "Syntax_err" are all namedropped.
Fix up, look sharp, SiSoftware.
The INQuirer