FileZilla is powerful Open Source FTP/SFTP client with many features. It includes a site manager to store all your connection details and logins as well as an Explorer style interface that shows the local and remote folders and can be customized independently. The program offers support for firewalls and proxy connections as well as SSL and Kerberos GSS security. Additional features include keep alive, auto ascii/binary transfer, download queue, manual transfers, raw FTP commands and more.
Changes:New features:- Remote file viewing / editing
- Display current server in window title
Fixed bugs:- Don't remember incorrect password on SFTP connections with ASK logontype
- MSW: Fix drag&drop to explorer in case of case-mismatch between requested and reported path.
- *nix: Fix Makefiles so SFTP properly supports files > 2GB
- Ascii filetype setting for extensionless files and dotfiles had negated effect
- Fix error message if using multiple running instances save the settings at the same time
- Fix parsing of very new files in directory listings if server is in a timezone ahead of the client
- Fix range of timezone offset setting
- Fix problems with remote path combobox if reconnecting after a disconnect
- Display confirmation dialog if deleting file from remote directory tree context menu
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