On the PC front for August sales, BioShock bio-owned pretty much every other game, even the unstoppable World of Warcraft. BioShock sold 77,374 copies to World of Warcrafts 49,126 copies.
Sadly (or happily, depending on what type of gamer you are) on the console side of the world, BioShock got destroyed by Madden 08. Across all platforms, Madden 08 sold about 2 Million copies through August. Specifically, the Xbox 360 version of Madden 08 sold the best, selling 896,592 copies, while the Playstation 2 version came in 2nd with 643,617 copies. BioShock which was 3rd for the month on the console charts sold 490,910 copies through the end of August. Certainly not a bad number by any stretch, and with the rumors of a sequel (or sequels) already planned, these sales numbers certainly help.
Here are the top five best sellers for the PC for August, and then for consoles:
1) Bioshock - 2K Games
2) World Of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Expansion Pack - Vivendi
3) World Of Warcraft - Vivendi
4) Guild Wars Eye Of The North Expansion Pack - NCsoft
5) Civilization IV: Beyond The Sword Expansion Pack - 2K Games
1) Madden NFL 08 - Xbox 360 - Electronic Arts
2) Madden NFL 08 - Playstation 2 - Electronic Arts
3) BioShock - Xbox 360 - 2K Games
4) Madden NFL 08 - Playstation 3 - Electronic Arts
5) Play With Remote - Wii - Nintendo of America
Well, there you have it. BioShock is doing pretty well either way you slice it. It just can't quite outsell Madden 08. Sales figures are of course from the NPD Group as always.

Original story @ VE3D
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