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Old 24th Jun 07, 11:36 PM
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Antec P190 Super Advanced Mid Tower Chassis Review @ Virtual-Hideout
*Review: Virtual-Hideout (*
The nature of enclosures these days follow three main themes and objectives. One theme involves nothing more than a generic blend of some function and form using a few flashy mods to entice buyers. Another theme follows the common all aluminum chassis means better function and cooling which is almost always more expensive than the first. It's very hard to design a lightweight chassis that can cut down on noise being built with near paper thin aluminum materials. Current top of the line components are louder and can easily be heard through aluminum enclosures. The third theme is all function and form using more substantial chassis materials to cut down on noise which means additional weight will be added on to the enclosure. This design, however, has a much greater chance of success since noise can be cut down dramatically while still offering up every useful tooless and silencing feature.

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