Using Windows Update, Microsoft has quietly rolled out an update for beta testers using the next version of Windows Live Messenger. The obvious advantage is having the option of being able to update yet another Microsoft product in the same familiar place. The Windows Update client in Vista downloads the update, creates a restore point, install the update - and it can do this all without any user-interaction, if you should choose to. The description of WLM 8.5 Beta 1 Update 1 is as follows: "
This update is being used to test how Microsoft Updates are distributed for Windows Live Messenger. While there are no actual changes to Messenger at this time, it's important for Messenger Beta testers to receive this update. Thanks for helping test Messenger!"
There may not be any "actual changes" but nevertheless the build number has changed from 8.5.1235.0517 to 8.5.1238.0601. The update seemed to go fine for me, what about you?

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