More than one billion PCs will be in use worldwide by the end of 2008, fuelled by high growth rates in emerging markets such as the Bric bloc of countries: Brazil, Russia, India and China.
The latest PC market figures from researcher Forrester also predict that while it has taken 27 years since the launch of the first desktop PC from IBM to pass this one billion mark, the next billion will be much faster - with global PC adoption passing two billion by 2015, a compound annual growth rate of 12.3 per cent.
The majority of that future growth will come from the Bric countries, which will account for more than 775 million new PCs between them by 2015 as technology prices fall and personal incomes rise enough to open the market to millions of new users.
Forrester predicts there will be almost half a billion new PCs in use in China alone by 2015, compared to the 54 million PCs in use in the country today.

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