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Old 30th May 07, 05:36 AM
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Sony to offer HD digital radio players
Sony Corporation has announced it will begin selling HD digital radio players in July, including a tabletop radio as well as a model for cars, the first step in what the electronics giant says is a long-term commitment to the technology. Sony said the XDR-S3HD tabletop model will be available for about $200 US and the XT-100HD tuner will sell for about $100 US. "Digital terrestrial radio is the last frontier in audio. And it's coming to price points that are becoming more reasonable for consumers," said Andrew Sivori, a senior product marketing manager at Sony's personal audio division.

HD digital radio is a relatively new form of radio broadcasting that allows conventional radio stations to bundle multiple digital signals with their traditional analog signal and send it on the same frequency. The digital signal, carried as a series of ones and zeros, provides crisper near CD-quality sound and allows for text and other digital information to be carried with the audio. Satellite radio also sends its signals digitally. Unlike satellite radio, which is a subscription-based service, the content on HD radio is free. According to the U.S.-based HD Digital Radio Alliance, more than 1,200 radio stations in the United States have adopted the technology and projects that more than 1.5 million HD radio devices will be sold in 2007.

News source: CBC News

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