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Old 21st May 07, 10:04 AM
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Abit AB9 Quad GT P965 Crossfire Motherboard Review @ Virtual-Hideout
*Review: Virtual-Hideout (*
From what has been stated in press releases, the NVidia 680i chipset hasn't been released in great numbers among motherboard makers. In fact, it's much easier to find 965 and 975 Intel chipset boards which is also why they are doing much better. The simple economic law of supply and demand has worked in favor of the consumers the past couple months. Because Intel chipset motherboards are more readily available and have done very well in many reviews, consumers have been more than happy to step up and make the choice for the comparable platform at a better price. The price of the 680i platforms haven't been cheap ranging from $400 to $215 price range. These factors have been good for Intel as they remain the top performer in processors and continue providing Intel chipsets like hot cakes.

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