This week, AMD announced its quad-core desktop CPU codenamed Agena FX in Sunnyvale, California. The processor was featured in single and dual-socket configurations - the dual-socket configurations mark AMD's first demonstration of an 8-core desktop. Next week Monday, AMD will reveal the brand name for this Agena FX-based brand, Phenom FX. The official launch date for Agena is still undetermined. Agena FX is just the halo product for the desktop AMD K10 lineup. Agena (non-FX) will constitute the bulk of AMD's Phenom offerings. Agena is essentially identical to Agena FX, though the non-FX processor does not support symmetric multiprocessing. AMD will also announce its dual-core Agena bins, codenamed Kuma, shortly after Agena.
Quad-core, codenamed Barcelona will launch later this summer, in the July, August kind of time frame -- followed by [Agena FX] on the desktop. That'll launch a little after the server part, it'll be called Agena. You'll see that in the Christmas line-up," stated Robert Rivet, AMD executive vice president and CFO.
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