Tells the studios to co-operate
A FIRM called Apple is apparently leaning on the Hollywood studios telling them to co-operate better with its plans for global domination of online distribution of flicks.
According to
Fortune magazine, Apple has been telling the studios that it is about to do to them what it did to the record companies. The reason for this confidence is Apple's iTV gadget, which allows movies downloaded from iTunes and connected wirelessly to a big-screen telly.
The iTV is not going to be available for a few months and Fortune notes that this is uncharacteristic of the secretive Apple to tell anyone about it before it is released. Fortune thinks that it is a warning to the studios to do as they are told or they will never work in this town again.
This is because Apple is negotiating with them and demanding that they flog all their older movies for under $10 and new ones for under $15.
The question is why should they listen to Jobs. Apparently now that he has the backing of the Disney studios, which he owns a fair chunk of, knows that the model does work in a way the studios like, he is getting a bit cocky. However, even in an industry known for arrogance, Apple's attitude might just Nintendo the studios off and they might just tell him to go forth and multiply. More