Advanced Micro Devices Tuesday pledged to release a version of its upcoming enthusiast desktop product, code-name 4x4, at less than $1000. Pat Moorhead, AMD's vice president of global channel marketing, said the 4x4-essentially two dual-core Athlon 64 FX processors on a motherboard tuned for gaming- will be released in multiple configurations. One configuration, he said, will consist of a "two CPU bundle configured at significantly less than $1,000." "This will not be limited to just the elite enthusiasts," he said. Moorhead spoke at to a group of journalists convened at AMD's Sunnyvale, Calif., headquarters. AMD also demonstrated a version of the 4x4, but declined to let journalists view the 4x4 product. AMD officials have said the 4x4 will be released by the holiday season this year. View: The full story News source: CRN Read full story...
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