BetaONE will rise again!

Old 30th Aug 02, 02:57 AM
ecperez ecperez is offline
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It was a novel concept: developing software that could run Windows-like applications on a non-Microsoft platform. That concept was the foundation on which Linux operating system maker built its business and the claim to fame that made it a viable company. founder and CEO Michael Robertson, who also launched, was on the right track with his consumer-driven company and its mission to provide computer users with choices through affordable computing options. developed LindowsOS, an operating system that delivers all the advantages of Linux with the so-called ease of use of Windows. LindowsOS supports Windows file types and runs certain Windows-compatible programs at a cost of only US$99.

As I recall, it was not all that long ago that Robertson was singing's praises in the war against Windows. He was optimistic that LindowsOS could build support for Windows applications. He even predicted "really robust support for a great deal of all Windows software out there."

But recently Robertson began downplaying Windows compatibility and hyping a feature called "click-n-run warehouse" that lets people download and automatically install a wide variety of Linux applications.

Then, about a week ago, he changed his mind about Windows compatibility yet again. The Web site now says the software can "run a select set of bridge Windows-compatible programs."

It is hard to imagine how Robertson has managed to lead such an impressive roster of companies with such a wishy-washy mindset. Maybe he needs to stick with what he seems to know best -- music and digital picture software -- and leave Linux to the OS pros.
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