BetaONE will rise again!

Old 22nd Apr 06, 07:32 PM
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The Pirate Bay does it again
This time in Rich Media

THOSE WHACKY PEOPLE at The Pirate Bay owe me another keyboard.

Diet Coke is not sticky, but it can still ruin a Logitech Elite when forced out one's nose at high velocity, I think it has to do with impact angle and carbonation more than the Aspartame. Either way, they have updated their legal threats page, silly entertainment lawyers never seem to learn, much less do the bare minimum research. That said, we are all the winners of the latest round of missives.

While I thought they could not top their telling Apple's legal chihuahuas to sodomize themselves with retractable batons, it looks like they did. Instead of simply printing creative responses, they are getting into rich-media (Gak) responses, jpgs and pdfs. Check out the priceless to and fro with iRacing, it shows that you can really use a picture to say less than a thousand words, but it can take a thousand K.

In the 'They don't get the format' department, lawyers keep sending basic emails as huge attached PDFs. Duh. If you read the Linotype letters, you will see that it is not always a bad thing, if you actually understand the format. Again, priceless. As long as the content people have this basic misunderstanding of the Internet, it's policies, legal standing, or lack thereof, and how people think, the hilarity will no doubt continue. Until that time, don't steal, but don't give money to the content mafia and DRM peddlers either.

The INQuirer
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