Microsoft is pulling out a new tool from its antipiracy toolbox. Aero,
the new whiz-bang UI for Vista, will only be available to registered
users of Windows. That's right, no matter how fast your CPU and graphics card are, if Microsoft determines you are running a pirated version of Vista then it's the toned-down interface for you.
Users of illegitimate copies
of Vista will be stuck with the same stripped-down UI that owners of
Windows Vista Home Basic edition will see. The Windows Vista Basic GUI
will look and act similar to the familiar Windows XP interface, but
updated with the Vista look and feel. It will also be missing the 3D
and translucency effects found in Aero Glass.
Pirates will be out of luck when it comes to Aero Glass. Making Aero
Glass unavailable to pirates won't stamp out piracy, and as with most
antipiracy measures, there's a decent chance that someone will develop
a workaround for the restriction. However, Microsoft's move
demonstrates that it's determined to make life for pirates as difficult
as possible, which may be enough to encourage some to walk the
straight-and-narrow path.
News source: arsTechnica
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