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Old 21st Mar 06, 11:30 PM
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M$ admits IE mess up
Waited for Godo

MICROSOFT'S spiritual and temporal ruler Sir William Gates III has admitted that the company messed up when it forgot to release new versions of Internet Explorer.

Speaking to the company's Mix06 conference, Gates said that Vole was moving very rapidly to get the next version of Internet Exploder to the market "because we see great opportunities there".

IE general manager Dean Hachamovitch said that web development had evolved in recent years producing richer, more interactive pages that take advantage of broadband Internet access and new technology for creating and connecting online services. Internet Exploder on the other had not been updated since Windows XP shipped in 2001. The outfit has a new beta version of IE here.

The INQuirer
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Old 24th Mar 06, 11:18 AM
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Does anyone else take offense to the tone of this article? No doubt written by an anti-Microsoft, anti-business, anti-capitalist, anti-American reporter who takes glee in any mistake Microsoft may make. Now, I've had my problems with MS, but there's no denying that its OS, e-mail, and other software have brought computing to the mainstream--not only in America, but worldwide. That in turn has allowed those in oppressed societies, and with courage none of us can ever expect to display in our lifetimes (especially this glass-bubbled idiot), the opportunity to reveal the injustices in this world. Not only that, Bill Gates has returned hundreds of million dollars of his earnings to support philanthropic causes that this liberal jerk no doubt claims to support at the corner pub, but probably hasn't contributed a cent to himself. Let's also not forget the millions of those who peripherally have been able to support their families off MS's worldwide mainstream success: journalists, magazines, programmers, coders, retail market (B&M and Internet sites) , investors, etc.

Forgive my rant, but when this a**hole spits diatribe as he did in the opening sentence of his article, all credibility is immediately lost. Absolutely report on MS's stumbles and failures, bit leave your personal bias out of the equation, and check your jealousy for MS's success at the door.
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