Thanks to amitpagarwal and Hurmoth for their contributions.
According to market researcher Current Analysis, AMD processor based notebooks and desktops outsold Intel 49.8 percent to 48.5 percent in the month of October. Matt Sargent, Current Analysis research director, said that by outselling Intel, AMD had done "the unthinkable" and that holding such a lead through the holiday season would be a huge win for the company.
Intel, while behind in total units sold, still accounted for 57.6 percent of retail revenues thanks to the higher average selling price of its chips. AMD lagged behind at 40.1 percent. Despite the gains, AMD's overall market share still hovers around 17 percent, displaying the dominance of direct order suppliers such as Dell, who exclusively uses Intel processors in its PCs.
Nonetheless, these gains are important to AMD's goal of reaching 30 percent total market share. Intel's recent slips can likely be attributed to its struggles with foreign antitrust agencies and ongoing legal battle with AMD.
News source: CNET News.comRead full story...

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