BetaONE will rise again!

Old 5th Sep 05, 06:33 AM
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Intel delays and advances chips
GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS for Intel. The good news is near term, the bad news is longer term. The meta-good news is that the bad news is far enough out to be fixable. The meta-bad news is that the good news is close enough in to be pretty much immutable by now, so we guess that isn't all that bad.

So, what is the good news? It seems that Intel has pulled in Yonah by a little over a month, from mid to late February to early January. we would look for a CES launch, but it may be a little after that if it doesn't want to get caught up in the din of that show. We would imagine it will come about the same time as the Viiv launch. We wonder why?

The bad news? Whitefield was pushed out half a year. It went from the first half of 2007 to the second half of 2007. Technically, this could be a delay of a single day, but from what I hear, it is closer to the six months that it sounds like. Not good. Dunnington, its eight core successor is starting to hit the same slippery slope.

Hopefully Dunnington won't be having the same CSI integration problems we keep hearing about with Whitefield, in fact, we hope these problems get ironed out soon. Intel needs this interconnect yesterday, and each day of delay will hurt. Even if it ends up being a little less than optimal, it is a lot better than the current bus.

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