Technology Overview
Hematech is a pioneer in the development and production of human polyclonal antibody therapeutics.
An ideal solution to the limited supply of human polyclonal antibodies is to create an animal system that can produce them in large quantities. Hematech's novel approach is to develop bovine donors for polyclonal antibodies through transgenic modification. Cattle are attractive donors because they are large animals that are able to produce large quantities of immunoglobulin in their blood (3500 gms/year) at low cost.
To produce a herd of cattle capable of yielding human antibodies, Hematech is knocking out the cow's immunoglobulin genes and replacing them with human immunoglobulin genes (gene knockout/replacement approach). These animals will be immunized against a specific pathogen, resulting in the production of targeted polyclonal antibodies that can help protect a patient from, or fight against, a specific disease. Production of targeted polyclonal antibodies has tremendous potential for the development of new therapeutics.
Although the need for polyclonal antibodies is critical, Hematech is committed to the highest standards of ethical research and production methods, and has established an Ethics Advisory Board to oversee these programs. Hematech also has a highly experienced animal care consulting team that provides guidance on issues of animal care and use. The Company works closely with representatives of the FDA and USDA to ensure the safety of all development and production programs.
Last edited by Fisher at Aug 12 2002, 10:53 PM